How can you tell what is true and not true? I have been pondering the…

The Sacred Symphony: Tuning Your Inner Instrument for Harmony
Discover how to fine-tune your spiritual energy like a sacred instrument, finding gentle techniques for inner balance and authentic expression through meditation and energy alignment.
The Divine Calling
You are each holy and magnificent instruments of the Divine, designed to express your highest purpose in both order and chaos, familiarity and utter unknown.
– Masiandia
Like master craftsmen fine-tuning a precious Stradivarius, we are each called to tend to our own divine instrument—our body, mind, and soul. We are magnificent vessels of devotional love and deep soulful resonance, designed to express our highest purpose through both harmony and discord.
The Path of Spiritual Resonance
You are each meant to express God’s wisdom within your own personal growth, your path of evolution, like an intricate melody that completely embodies divinity. And like an instrument, you are affected by change and need to realign constantly.
– Masiandia
By making refinements to our energy, we allow our instrument—our human nature—to express its infinite beauty. It’s these small tunings that connect us to our truth and authentic expression, and support us in connecting with others in more co-creative and affirmative ways.
The Symphony of Energy Exchange
Just as wooden instruments respond to the moisture in the air, our energy field is in constant dialogue with our environment. Every interaction, every space we enter, and every person we encounter contributes to our energetic composition. The question becomes: how do we maintain our authentic resonance while dancing with these external energies?
From our immediate surroundings to interconnections we share with the globe, weather patterns, seasonal changes, work demands and challenges, our “human instrument” is permeated and imprinted by our collective reality.
It’s up to us to choose how we wish to interact with these energies. Do we awaken and nurture our brilliance, or do we go to sleep into deep unconscious denial of who we truly are?
Awakening Our Inner Symphony
Like a violin that loses its bright tone when left unplayed, our inner light dims when we disconnect from our spiritual purpose. Our resonance fades when we forget our sacred nature and deny the Divine that flows through and around us.
Imagine, for a moment, a musician handling an instrument with impatience. What would become of the music if the instrument was mistreated? How can our human hearts be any different?
The Art of Fine-Tuning
Refining our energy frees our voices, expresses our truth, creates from the heart, and renews.
How do you fine-tune your instrument?
With gentleness.
We are not meant to be pressured, evaluated, made wrong, defended… We are meant to be celebrated as we are and to free the true expression of our infinite beauty. This celebration of our authentic nature opens the door to a deeper understanding of our spiritual commitment.
The Divine Instrument Within
The following wisdom, channeled through Masiandia: and shared in my book Mystical Intimacy, offers a profound perspective on our spiritual nature and commitment to growth. This message continues to guide countless souls on their journey of self-discovery: “Spiritual commitment is the willingness to return to harmony. It is a path of being-ness that accepts and honours reality as it is and simultaneously changes reality with the presence of your devotion.
Masiandia: “Your spiritual commitment is powerful medicine that has the potential to completely change reality because it is not interested in repeating the old story. Because the need for change is vital, any level of readjustment is welcomed, even a small one.
“And there is no need to overhaul your entire life—just as there is no need to throw away a perfectly good instrument—unless you are set on rejecting everything about yourself.
“You are beautiful beyond words. To us, you are God; therefore, there is nothing to reject. You are a sacred part of the whole of divinity.”
by Sheila Black
You must use the body – its curves,
its hollows, the spring of the sound, which
brings back what is absent, what has
been and is now gone, fading. Cat-gut,
fret, the busy machinery of longing,
which takes its strength from the
presence of absence, the body’s darkness,
the wood carved out, thinned and
made to flex. There is a pain at the
source of it – so easily broken, this tree
without a heart, the sap dried to amber
patina. Only in the sound can you
hear it move, the veins in the blood of
the body that is no more. The bow pulled
along the taut strings, a pitch that
is all but unbearable.
Re-tuning Meditation
Sit or lay down in a comfortable position, and let the sound of your breathing quiet your mind. Notice the quality of the intake of air—the light pressure lifting upward through your nostrils, the slight pull at the back of your throat, and the taste it leaves in your mouth. Notice the sensation of releasing the breath, the quality of surrender. Can you exhale completely before breathing in again?
When you take in your next inhalation, bring your awareness to the sound in the room, perhaps the ticking of the clock, maybe the dripping of water, the sound of electronic humming, or a soft piece of music lulling your senses.
I’m sure there are sounds outside of the space you are in too, maybe in the hallway, the next room, and the outdoors. Perhaps you can hear the singsong of birds, street noises, the mowing of the lawn, voices, a plane in the far distance…
You can let all the sounds begin to create the space that you are in, the space that holds you as closely as the surface you are sitting or laying on. These sounds and sensations can become the peripheral space that reminds you to journey within—to go into your inner quiet.
Let every nuance that surrounds you guide you inwards into your inner space—your inner silence.
It is so relaxing to rest inside the space that is created by your life—to linger in the resonance that exists at the heart of your experience. Rest as deeply as you need to, slowly immersing yourself in your zone of inner comfort and beingness.
Your inner domain… your peaceful sanctuary… allows you to retune your vibration. Here you can connect with your own resonance and recalibrate your subtle energies—the sound of your spirit—the sound of your body and soul, and let yourself sink deeper and deeper into just being.
Rest for as long as you need, as long as you can, as long as feels right. Rest knowing that you’re allowed to and that this is the way you return to you. This is the way you can play your instrument with exquisite mastery.
Let your vibration… your sense of inner resonance… emerge gently… in perfect harmony.
When you return to an awakened state of alertness… when its time to return to your day to day activity… take a moment to feel your body energy, sense your thoughts and emotions… and breathe.
Mystical Intimacy is available in print and e-book at and
And also at Banyen Books
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