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BodySOUL Energy Renewal



Energy Renewal is a meditative practice designed for persons who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and for highly sensitive empaths.

The Energy Renewal practices help clear your energy field and align you to your natural sense of self.

  • Learn powerful clearing practices to release unwanted energies and decompress your nervous system.
  • Establish the clarity you need to maintain your balance and well-being in a sea of stimulation and stressors.
  • Shift your point of reference – your perception of reality – by raising your vibration.
  • Open your receiving channel so that you can connect with your inner guidance and get the love and support you need.

The practices are designed to help you integrate your body and spirit into a strong unified whole and become a strong magnet for what you really want and need.

Learn how to clear your energy in this thorough investigation of cleansing methods with skillfully guided body-relaxation.

As a bonus, I channeled a message on the theme of forging a bond with spirit, and remodeling your life through intention and devotion.

Running time: 1 hour 40 mins

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